Coach Dave Valko
In my youth I played a lot of sports – soccer, baseball, basketball, and even earned my black belt in Shorin-ryu Shorinkan karate. After high school, sports stopped. I enjoyed a lot of food and drank lots which lead to a multitude of health issues.
After having kids, sports entered back into my life. I started coaching AYSO soccer and baseball for my boy’s teams and had a lot of fun doing it. When my oldest son decided to get into the Scouts BSA, I joined him and his younger brother and became the Scoutmaster for their troop – 292 in Grandville. As Scoutmaster, I had the opportunity to teach young men and women about outdoor life, lifelong skills, and worked with those kids to keep them active through swimming, running, biking, and hiking.

In 2014 I joined the BizStream team. After a year and a half of constantly asking, “when are you going to go to CrossFit?”, the CrossFit fanatics at BizStream finally convinced me to go. On June 6, 2016, a handful of the BizStream team went together to CFA to start our journey in fitness and do a bit of team building. Fast forward to 2021, I’ve lost 40+ lbs, finally landed my 1st bar muscle-up, can walk 25’ on my hands, earned my CF-L2, switched to a vegan diet, and started coaching at CFA. I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to coach, teach others, and continue to help foster the amazing community that Josh and Kate have built at CFA.