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There is no better time than now to change your life. 

Zac Spangler

Member of the month:

March 2019


Zac Spangler





Member Since:

September, 2017

What was your athletic background, if any?

I played baseball, football, and basketball during high school. I was named to the All-State team as a catcher my senior year of baseball and played one year of college baseball at Alma College.

What led you to Crossfit and CFA specifically?

I first heard of CrossFit after hearing my strength and conditioning coach at Alma College talk about how he does CrossFit as his workout routine. I didn’t know what CrossFit was at that point so I started watching YouTube videos to learn more about it. After I stopped playing baseball, I wanted to stay in shape and I liked how CrossFit included cardio, Olympic lifting, gymnastics, and major lifts and was constantly varied. After starting school at Grand Valley I looked up CrossFit gyms in the area and decided start going to CFA.

What do you do when you’re not at CFA?

I am working on my bachelor’s degree in Clinical Exercise Science at GV so when I’m not at CFA I am usually studying or doing school work. I also spend time at work through the week. I work at an outpatient physical therapy clinic as a physical therapist tech.

When did you realize that CrossFit is right for you?

After my first few workouts, I liked that each workout was different and really challenging no matter what it was. Plus, I liked that I didn’t know what I was going to do that day until I walked into the gym. I also enjoy CrossFit because there is always something to be getting better at, you can always be improving.

Do you remember your first WOD?

I don’t remember my very first WOD, I think it had chest to bar pullups and burpees. But I remember my second WOD was “Karen” and I never wanted to see a med-ball ever again after that WOD.

What is your favorite or least favorite WOD/movement?

18.5 is my least favorite WOD and that is mostly because my least favorite movement is thrusters.

What is your most proud CrossFit moment?

Very odd but when I ran a 5:58 mile. Mostly became I have never been the biggest fan of running and I noticed improvement in my running because that was the fastest mile I have ever ran before. Also very proud that I talked my dad into trying CrossFit and now he loves it and has seen major health benefits sense starting last March.

What motivates you during a tough workout?

Knowing that I get to lay on the floor and pet the dogs after the WOD.

What are your goals going forward and what do you think will help you achieve them?

Moving forward, I want to improve my raw strength such as my deadlift and squat. Squatting and deadlifting more often at higher percentages will help me get to this goal.

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness or just day to day life since starting CrossFit (before/after?)

I have noticed that I feel healthier day to day compared to in high school or when I was at Alma. I have gained muscle mass and noticed my overall work capacity has improved sense stating at CFA.  I also have been able to use the fitness I have gained at CFA to do more events such as running in the Reebok Ragnar race.

What would you recommend to someone who is just starting out with CrossFit or is too afraid to try it?

I would tell them to stick with it, your body will be sore at first but you will adapt and soon be able to do more than you ever though you could. CrossFit is a great place to start someone’s fitness journey because it focused on functional movements and everything can be scaled. Plus, the community at CFA is great, there are people of every skill level and every is very supporting.

If you could have one skill or characteristic of another member at CFA what and from whom would it be? Or which other CFA member are you the most motivated by?

If I could have the pure strength that Kevin has that would be great!

Quick Questions

Favorite Cheat meal: Lots of Oreos
Favorite Workout song: Sugar, were going down by Fall Out Boy
Favorite Place You Have Traveled: California
Favorite TV Show: Big Bang Theory
Favorite CrossFit Athlete(if any): Josh Bridges

Coach’s comment:

Zac has all the characteristics we want to see when somebody starts CrossFit. He shows up regularly, gives it his best each and everyday, and encourages the people around him. Since starting CrossFit his gymnastics have improved greatly along with his cardio and strength. He has become a much better runner and better at overall CrossFit skills like not redlining workouts in the first 1 minute. It has also been great to see him talk both his Dad and Girlfriend into trying out CF. We are excited to see Zac stick with it and continue to improve his fitness into the future!


5241 Edgeway Dr. Suite F
Allendale, MI 49401