There is no better time than now to change your life. Contact us now to start your fitness journey!

There is no better time than now to change your life. 

About Us

We are a CrossFit training facility located in Allendale, Michigan. We service clients throughout Allendale and the Western Grand Rapid’s area.

Our CrossFit group classes are created with the intent to make you healthier, stronger, leaner and more athletic. Each class has a designated coach that designs the workouts and teaches you the proper exercise techniques needed to have a fun, safe and effective workout in under an hour. All you have to do is show up, and we will take care of the rest.

“If you’re considering coming to CrossFit, don’t feel intimidated. Don’t think you’re the only person who can’t run 400 meters or do a pushup…no one is going to laugh at you or point fingers. It’s a very encouraging atmosphere…CrossFit is a family.” Check out the full video below!


5241 Edgeway Dr. Suite F
Allendale, MI 49401


“A place to raise the bar and your spirits.”

– Greg Glassman