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There is no better time than now to change your life. 

Jason Jarrad

Member of the month:

August 2024.


Jason Jarrad





Member Since:

May, 2023.

What do you do when you’re not at CFA?

Hang out with my wife and kids, usually at a volleyball or soccer event. 

What led you to Crossfit and CFA specifically?

I had always wanted to try CrossFit since I was in the Navy, but never took the plunge. Fast forward ~ 18 years and I’d allowed myself to use every excuse in the book (mostly family) to not get, and stay, active. One day in early spring 2023, I was playing soccer in the front yard with my sons and I found myself really out of breath. It was then that I realized I needed to make a change if I wanted to spend time with my family for long enough to see all their life’s events. As for CFA specifically, the website was super easy to navigate (even pre-Dave modifications) and Josh and Kate were super responsive and made me feel welcome right away.  

When did you realize that CrossFit was right for you?

It would have been late July 2023. I went on family vacation and realized I missed being in the gym and around the people. I had the itch to get back and that is when I knew.

What movement do you despise over everything and why?

I was going to say running (because I suck at it) but really it’s single arm overhead DB lunges. I’m not very fast at them and it becomes a huge mental fight to not give up and not be a quitter.

What has been your all-time favorite moment at CFA?

Showing up for a 6pm Friday workout that doesn’t exist. Seriously though, I really enjoyed doing the Open workouts in a team format. It was a great way to ease out of my comfort zone of the 0545 class and engage with some new people  

What motivates you during a tough workout?

Knowing that everyone else is feeling the same as you are, more or less. Also, it always helps when you can hear others cheering you on and affirming that you can, in fact, do hard things.

If you could write your own workout for a day, what would it be?

I don’t think it’s a secret that i like deadlifts so they’d e be in there for sure. Honestly, I think 24.2 is a perfect workout for me:  20 minutes of: 300m row/10 deadlift/50 DU

What are your goals going forward and what do you think will help you achieve them?

From a skill perspective, it’s stringing together more double-unders. From an overall health perspective it is continuing to lose weight while building muscle and enhancing endurance. Staying consistent and getting in a little early to put in some focus on the double-unders.

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness or just day to day life since starting CrossFit?

Too many to list but I’ll try. To start, I was 275 lbs when  I first walked through the doors at CFA and with this great community’s help I’m down to 225 lbs right now (goal of 205 this time next year). I feel better! I know that sounds like a cop out, but I feel great, both mentally and physically, now. I can run with my kids (we just did a family mile run in Charlevoix on July 27th) and not feel like I need life support; I can play volleyball with my daughter without knee pain. I feel like I’m a better husband and father now that I am getting my health under control.

What would you recommend to someone who is just starting out with CrossFit?

Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing! Focus on yourself and listen to your body. When you look around the gym and you see people doing things you can’t (yet), those are not your failures, they are your goals. The beauty of CrossFit is that it’s scalable so everyone can do it.  You may not be able to do a box jump on day 1, but if you stick with it and put in the work you WILL get there.

If you could have one skill or characteristic of another member at CFA what and from whom would it be? Or which other CFA member are you the most motivated by?

One of the first people I met at CFA was Brett Reister, and to this day I wish I had his motor. The guy just does not stop; he’s like the Energizer Bunny, or maybe the Terminator!

Quick Questions

  • Favorite Cheat meal: Either pizza or nachos…and beer!

  • Favorite Workout song: ‘Til I Collapse – Eminem (although his new song Tobey might make a run at this)

  • Favorite Place You Have Traveled: Either Singapore or Australia. Singapore has to be the cleanest place on earth and its a melting pot of Asian culture. Australia is just beautiful and I love the ocean.Favorite TV Show: To watch with my family – Friends If it’s just me though, Sons of Anarchy or Breaking Bad. Jax Teller and Walter White are two of the very best all time characters, IMO.

  • Favorite CrossFit Games Athlete: Chandler Smith

Coach’s Comment

Jason was an easy pick for Member of the Month. One day he just showed up and has been with us ever since. We’ve seen him make tremendous improvements in his overall work capacity, movement, and health. Plus, he’s lost over 50 pounds! Jason is super friendly and is now one of the staples at our 5:45 am class. We’re excited to watch him come in for a workout every day and leave it all on the floor (literally). Keep up the great work, Jason!


5241 Edgeway Dr. Suite F
Allendale, MI 49401