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There is no better time than now to change your life. 

Josh Juarez

Member of the month:

February 2022


Josh Juarez





Member Since:

November, 2019

What do you do when you’re not at CFA?

When I’m not at CFA, I spend a lot of time at work managing our concrete business. I also spend a lot of time involved in youth wrestling with my son. I like to spend time with my wife, twin girls, and my son taking trips, snowboarding, camping, swimming or doing anything we can to spend time together. I have also invested a lot of my extra time over the years doing home renovations and remodel projects  on four homes we have owned.

What led you to Crossfit and CFA specifically?

I moved to the Allendale area in 2019 and was looking for a local gym to stay in shape. I was not at all familiar with CrossFit at that time. I started working out at a gym in Walker and didn’t feel like it was a good fit for me. That’s when I decided to try out CrossFit Allendale not knowing what I was getting myself into at the time.

When did you realize that CrossFit is right for you?

I realized it was right for me in Spring 2020, (right before COVID hit). I had not been part of such a supportive environment that brings the best out in you since I did high school sports. I really enjoy the fact that it challenges my mind and body every day I step in the door. I am a very competitive person by nature and CrossFit allows me to utilize my competitive spirit while building quality relationships with great people.

Do you remember your first WOD?

One of the first things I remember was stepping into Bootcamp and having to do a bunch of Wall Balls and wall sits holding the wall ball. I quickly learned to hate wall balls. I have since mended my relationship with wall balls now that i’ve discovered there are worse things than wall balls.

What movement do you despise over everything and why? 

Currently, I despise the Power Snatch. They are frustrating because I can’t get the technique perfect the way I would like.

What has been your all-time favorite moment at CFA? 

My favorite moment was doing the partner competition last fall and going into the tie breaker round at the end to finish it off. I enjoyed having an opportunity to put the things I’ve learned and my fitness to the test.

What motivates you during a tough workout?

The tough workouts help me release a lot of stress and tension I hold onto. I am motivated by my competitive nature and my drive to push myself. The people around me really motivate me to not give up during a tough workout. 

 If you could write your own workout for a day, what would it be?

4 Rounds For Time: 10 Bench Press. Rx = 225 Lb 15 Push Ups 15  Dips  10 Strict Pull Ups 800 Meter Run

What are your goals going forward and what do you think will help you achieve them?

My goal is to continue making progress on all levels to build overall strength, cardio, and technical skills. 

A Consistent commitment of my time and effort each week will help me continue to reach my goals. I have made it a priority in my life to eat a healthy balanced diet which I feel makes a big difference. I also need to work on getting more quality sleep so my body can recover and recharge. 

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness or just day to day life since starting CrossFit (before/after?)

I noticed that my daily mood is overall more positive since I have been committed to CrossFit. I feel more energetic after I workout in the morning which carries with me through the day. 

What would you recommend to someone who is nervous about starting CrossFit?

It is normal to be nervous to try something new such as CrossFit. Getting into it is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It’s not just a gym. I believe the type of fitness you gain is the most functional and optimal types of fitness for the human body. You will also build relationships with quality people while strengthening your body and mind. It doesn’t matter how fit you are. We all start somewhere and come from different walks of life. The worst thing you can do is to not try something you know could be very beneficial to you due to nerves holding you back. 

If you could have one skill or characteristic of another member at CFA what and from whom would it be? Or which other CFA member are you the most motivated by? 

I would have to say I’m most motivated by Josh Connelly for several reasons. Josh is a very good overall CrossFit athlete leading by example as well as everyone’s biggest supporter and is always trying to build people up.

Quick Questions

Favorite Cheat meal: Chinese Food
Favorite Workout song: Monsters by Shinedown or Cinderella Man by Eminem. My favorite songs change probably weekly.
Favorite Place You Have Traveled: Dominican Republic
Favorite TV Show: Family Guy
Favorite CrossFit Athlete(if any):  Maybe Matt Fraser? I don’t really know many of them though.

Coach’s comment:

Josh has been one of those guys who showed up to CFA one day and never left. Since then he has been a regular at our early morning classes. Not only has his all around fitness improved but he has also made some new friends along the way. Plus it’s safe to say he’s gotten pretty dang fit. The man can bench a house and run about a 6 minute mile in a vest….. Even the things he’s not the best at, he works on them until he gets better. We are thankful Josh found CFA, and we are excited to watch him continue to get better into the future.


5241 Edgeway Dr. Suite F
Allendale, MI 49401