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There is no better time than now to change your life. 

Isaac Bennett

Member of the month:

March 2023


Isaac Bennett




Columbia Station

Member Since:

March, 2022

What do you do when you’re not at CFA?

When not working as a Project Manager for Reliable Sheet Metal or at CFA, I enjoy golfing, hiking and spending time with my wife Megan and our dog Dexx.

What led you to Crossfit and CFA specifically?

I need a group setting in order to work out productively and keep doing it. Over the years I had debating trying Crossfit numerous times and finally in spring of 22 after we had completed our new house build it was time to give crossfit a try. I enjoy lifting heavy weights but know that I need to have a mix of strength training along with cardio and functional fitness.

When did you realize that CrossFit is right for you?

I was hooked right away even though the first month was brutal. I knew Crossfit was going to be a long term commitment the day before my quad surgery when walking out of the gym that night I truly realized how much I was going to miss CFA and the community during recovery.

Do you remember your first WOD?

I do not remember my first WOD. The first one that stuck with me was Manion. It was more running than I had done in a long time mixed with a ton of barbell squats.

What movement do you despise over everything and why?

Burpees and apparently over head squats. Also need to be very careful of cleans on a Thursday. They can get you.

What has been your all-time favorite moment at CFA?

Overall, the support that I received from everyone while recovering from surgery meant everything to me and has
been a motivation to keep working even when progress has seemed to be slow going.

What motivates you during a tough workout?

Looking around and knowing that everyone is in the same boat and suffering alongside of me. It will be over soon enough and it never seems as bad once it is complete.

If you could write your own workout for a day, what would it be?

3 rounds for time,
20 alt DB snatch
20 pushups
10 power cleans
and 30 AMSU.
*More strength less cardio.

What are your goals going forward and what do you think will help you achieve

Continue on the correct track in recovering from surgery. This spring I am
hoping to get back to running more and improve on overall conditioning as well as get
back to full strength.

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness or just day
to day life since starting CrossFit (before/after?)

Overall I have more energy, sleep better, and handle stress a lot better on a daily basis.

What would you recommend to someone who is just starting out with CrossFit?

Stick with it and work hard the results will happen.

Which CFA member are you most motivated by:

Kris Shyne day in and day out is always excited to be a CFA and consistently is has one of the best attitudes and work ethics no matter how terrible the WOD is.

Quick Questions

Favorite Cheat meal: Pizza and bourbon
Favorite Workout song: Enter Sandman Metallica 
Favorite Place You Have Traveled: Arizona, Phoenix and Sedona are my favorite
places to visit
Favorite TV Show: Yellowstone
Favorite CrossFit Athlete(if any): 

Coach’s comment:

Issac is well deserving of the member of the month. I know everybody at CFA would agree on that. He started about a year ago and even after a tough injury he kept a positive attitude and kept showing up. He was pretty limited but he found ways to keep moving and doing what he could. That was truly impressive of his spirit and commitment. His fitness has definitely improved and he has made quite a few friends in the process. We are proud of all your hard work Isaac! We can’t wait to see you continue to get better into the future.


5241 Edgeway Dr. Suite F
Allendale, MI 49401