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There is no better time than now to change your life. 

Sean Verschueren

Member of the month:

October 2021


Sean Verschueren




I was born in Jacksonville, Florida, but moved up to Sparta, Michigan when I was ten years old. The move was to be closer to my Father’s family, and we have called Michigan our home ever since.

Member Since:

August, 2018

What do you do when you’re not at CFA?

I am currently working part-time at the YMCA, and I am pursuing my Masters in Public Health at Grand Valley. I spend a lot of my time gearing my studies towards military veterans as they transition from the service and into the college world.

What led you to Crossfit and CFA specifically?

I was introduced to Crossfit while I was in the Army, and noticed how fit these individuals were. It seemed they could run, ruck, jump, swim, and be an athlete in every way. I tried a few workouts here and there but never really looked into it until I started watching the Crossfit Games. Obviously I was enamored like anyone would be when watching the Games athletes perform, but it was more the exposure to the community and to their ideology on fitness and health that hooked me in. When I moved back to Michigan to start my degree at GVSU, seeing CFA so close by, I decided I would pay for a month and see what it was truly all about.

When did you realize that CrossFit is right for you?

I realized Crossfit was right for me because it showed me how mentally and physically strong I COULD be. Not only did it exercise my need for a competitive environment, but it gave me new goals to seek out as an athlete.

Do you remember your first WOD?

I could never forget it. Middle of August, Mr. Joshua Connelly (good ole’ boy Coach Josh) decided to invite me to open-gym for a WOD with him. Alone. Just him and I… and the WOD was “Glen”.

For Time: 30 Clean and Jerks 1 Mile Run 10 Rope Climbs 1 Mile Run 100 Burpees (At the end of the WOD, he legitimately told me he understood if I did not come back to CFA again LOL)

What movement do you despise over everything and why?

Thrusters and Burpee Box Jump Overs. I’ll never get into good enough shape to not die every-time they are programed.

What has been your all-time favorite moment at CFA?

I would say one of my favorite days at CFA was the first guys night that I was a part of.

What’s are your favorite things about CrossFit?

My competitive mindset. Usually someone is whooping my butt so I motivate myself to try to catch them.

If you could write your own workout for a day, what would it be?

8 Hour AMRAP: Nap for 1 hour *try to go unbroken for the full AMRAP

What are your goals going forward and what do you think will help you achieve them?

Fresh Coast 2022 Keep pushing

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness or just day to day life since starting CrossFit (before/after?)

I have seen my overall strength, mobility, and body control (like with gymnastic movements) increase since I started with Crossfit. Also my work capacity and mental stamina have increased exponentially, which as a former military member, is awesome to see.

What would you recommend to someone who is just starting out with CrossFit or is too afraid to try it?

I would tell them to try to find someone who is new as well or at a similar skill/fitness level to work out beside. The biggest thing I see people being afraid of is looking “weak” or “out of shape”, or suffering the pain of a WOD immensely when others seem like they are not. Finding someone who you can share the experience and growth with, no matter what “level” you are at in your Crossfit journey, can be the reason you show up to the gym day-in and day-out.

If you could have one skill or characteristic of another member at CFA what and from whom would it be? Or which other CFA member are you the most motivated by?

I think being able to run hard and not compromise the rest of the workout is a skill/ability that is always far reaching for me to achieve. I’m not a bad runner, but running can sure dictate every bit of my workout. Bobby and Morgan have that skill/fitness level and I am always impressed when they can show it

As for members, I’d say guys like Chris Steele, Ted, Trever, Brian M., Mike Ross, and the “old guys” (their words, not mine) motivate me because they grind just as hard as everyone I know. They make fun of their age on a regular basis, but continually prove that age is just a number.

Quick Questions

Favorite Cheat meal: Pizza (with pineapples of course)
Favorite Workout song: Erra – Snowblood 
Favorite Place You Have Traveled: Italy
Favorite TV Show: Can’t name a show, however my favorite movie series is The Lord of the Rings
Favorite CrossFit Athlete(if any): Mat Fraser

Coach’s comment:

Sean started with us just a little over three years ago and has been super present in the gym ever since. We still remember his first day too and watching how far he has come since his first workout Glen has been awesome to see. Not only has his fitness, mindset & ability all improved but he has also made plenty of new friends along the way. We are thankful Sean found CFA and he is definitely a big part of the CFA community. We are excited to see him keep up the hard work into the future!


5241 Edgeway Dr. Suite F
Allendale, MI 49401