What do you do when you’re not at CFA?
I travel an aggressive amount for work and pleasure, both domestically and internationally. I’ve gotten used to life on the road, but I have really come to love being at home and investing in my house via endless projects. I really value my friends, whether we are cold plunging/sauna-ing, trying new restaurants, watching stand-up comedy, or spending time with their kids. I have an energetic, young Rottweiler who has been keeping me on my toes lately and I have grown to be grateful for that chaos. I don’t have much (any) free time, but when I do, I stay busy with the non-profit board I serve on, my rental property, and family-owned business.
What is your Job?
I work in the very glamorous and flashy world of road construction! I have been in the petrochemical industry for 12 years via different sales, product management, and marketing roles at Dow. I love talking about infrastructure and learning how the world works.
How has your fitness changed since joining?
I was struggling physiologically with several lingering Covid complications when I first joined CFA, so my goal was simply to get routine and any amount of stamina incorporated back into my life. I actually started CrossFit 12 years ago in Midland, MI in an attempt to reverse my health-wreckless college years (to put it lightly) with a lifestyle that better aligned with my identity – focused on overall wellness. I lost 45 lbs. and really enjoyed tapping into all the things that accompany CrossFit – competition, camaraderie, and self-improvement. I’ve been an athlete my whole life and I love that CrossFit keeps that part of my personality alive and well. I am physically stronger and more cardio capable than ever before and psychologically there is nothing that I can’t work through with the help of a WOD and 2000’s hip-hop.

When did you realize that CrossFit was right for you?
Well, you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone! I know it is right for me because I miss it when I don’t have it. There have been a few stints where I’ve had to take a break from CrossFit due to moving cities, injury, whatever, and I always miss it. I bought my current house based on it being an easy drive to CFA. Seriously. I despise working out alone and love the variety that comes with CrossFit. I have so many variables to juggle in my personal life that it’s amazing to just show up and turn my brain off, kick my own a$$ for an hour, and get on with my day. Plus, there is always something new to overcome. It took me years to be able to string together pull-ups, get up a rope, or crush double-unders, and I love that there are plenty of movements I have left to learn and some that I will never master. I’ve had a decade of heavy life events and CrossFit has always been a comfort zone, no matter what chapter of life I am living.
What movement do you despise over everything and why?
It’s hard to pick one, but rope climbs are a mortal enemy. If I had to rope climb my way out of hell I might not make it. My shoes come untied even if I triple knot them, my hips are too tight to lift them high enough, they hurt my hands, they chew up my leggings, and on and on and on.

What has been your all-time favorite moment at CFA? So many fun moments!
For some reason I have lots of fond memories with regards to running, I think because I hate running and I have gotten better via CFA. I got my best mile time at CFA last summer and we did a 4.4 mile run for time and it was the farthest and fastest I’ve ever run. I hated every second of it, but having a remarkable pacing buddy in Leah kept me going and I felt invincible afterward. I have fond memories of bringing my dog Tank to the gym, obsessively trying muscle-ups with Jessie, coincidentally sitting next to Pat on an airplane, and making professional connections with like-minded folks. Like so many people have said before, it’s the people that make it special and the little memories mean just as much as the big ones.
What motivates you during a tough workout?
It depends. Sometimes I go inward AKA engage David Goggins mode and tell myself I have no choice but to keep moving. Other times I’ll think of people that I admire/respect cheering me on. And most of the time it’s just trying to keep up with all the great people around me. For the really long/tough workouts I get more existential and channel gratitude for my mobility and the fact that i’ll never be younger than I am at that moment. But I’ve got no shame in a little vanity game either, sometimes the ‘suns out guns out’ mentality helps me push my own limits.
What’s something about you that most people at the gym don’t know?
I don’t wear sunglasses all the time for outdoor WOD’s because I think it’s cool, I just literally can’t see in the slightest amount of sun…

If you had to describe your CrossFit experience in one word, what would it be?
If you could write your own workout for a day, what would it be?
4 Rounds for Time:
50 wall balls
50 sit-ups
As they say…simple, yet effective.
What would you recommend to someone who is just starting out with CrossFit?
Be inspired by those around you but don’t compare yourself to them. Focus on getting incrementally better. Prioritize stretching and mobility.
If you could have one skill or characteristic of another member at CFA what and from whom would it be?
Josh’s running game. Phil’s pull-ups/C2B. Jessie’s rope game. Leah’s snatches. Kaylee’s biking. Jeff’s willingness to bike to the gym. Kelly’s T2B. Elliott’s endurance. Kevin’s barbell work. Issac’s bench game. Becky’s wall walks. Nikyda’s push-ups. Everyone with handstand walks. Etc.

Quick Questions
- Favorite Cheat meal: Love’s Blueberry Lavender Ice Cream
- Favorite Workout song: Jeezy, Put On
- Favorite Place You Have Traveled: Vietnam or Mt. Everest
- Favorite TV Show: Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
- Favorite CrossFit Games Athlete: Coach Dave
Coaches’ Comment
Carly has become one of the regulars at CFA ever since joining us in 2022. Even though she travels frequently for work, she still makes it a priority to get in her workout and focus on her fitness. Since starting with us, it has been noticeable that she has improved every element of her fitness: she’s stronger, a better runner, more mobile, and overall just very fit. She is a friendly face at whichever class she attends (most often the 5:45 session) and is always ready to tackle any workout on the board. This year, she is teaming up with Jessie and Leah for the Fresh Coast Games, which they should dominate. Plus last year her and Jessie got 1st place at the Festivus Games! Keep up the great work, Carly; we are happy to have you at CFA!!!